Community Partners » Woodcraft Rangers

Woodcraft Rangers

It’s a new school year and we miss seeing all of you! While we won’t be in person, we want to bring the magic of our favorite clubs to your home. Stay connected with your favorite club leaders, friends, and try something new – all at home and in a safe environment.

Who: Students in grades Kinder-5th grade

What: Homework assistance will be available every day based on your grade level. Club content will feature some of our most popular clubs and familiar club leaders. Choose your favorite club or a new club you would like to try, join your club leader and friends on a zoom call to connect, learn, and play.

How to Participate:
  1. New families can enroll by visiting​​​​​​​
  2. Follow the links below for homework assistance or the enrichment club of your choice
  3. Log on to your zoom calls on the days provided to connect, learn, and play
  4. Practice and improve what you’ve learned
Enrichment Clubs Offered: 
Visual Arts 
Performing Arts 
Outdoor Education 